Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The First Leg

...of a three legged dog.

I just cracked a bottle of Anchor Steam and I'm sitting down in the chilly kitchen of my friends' San Francisco apartment, on the first leg of my adventure from my charming and harmless hometown of Ukiah to the depths of the South and the city of New Orleans.

Yes, I'm moving there for (fate permitting) the next six months.

No, I've never been there before.

Why? Food, music, cheap rent, experience.

Isn't it dangerous? Hell, thats the price you pay for culture.

I had just set my roots back down into my childhood home on Greenfield, and this last Saturday I wrenched them out of the ground, saying salty goodbyes to my family with tears streaming uncontrollably. I drank my last week away with all my greatest friends, fell in love one last time, and hit the road. Sobbing, of course. The great thing about crying is the release, and I am left feeling longing but not pain.

So far, nothing has not gone according to plan. Nothing is flowing smoothly. I figure it's me, as much as it's the world around me. I realized what I was craving: I wanted everyone to stop what they were doing and prioritize my grand arrival. Um. With less than a day's notice. I realized as well that I was being rediculous, and did my best to sit down, shut up and enjoy the ride.

I don't expect many people to actually read this. It's more of a place for me to store my thoughts, as much as a forum to share them with you. i will say I have sincerely appreciated all the support, advice, and warnings from everyone I've talked to. I promise to keep my head on straight. I promise to be smart, aware, and above all SAFE. I have learned a lot about myself in the last few years, and I'm striving to remain open to adventure while being appropriately cautious. Don't worry about me. For your sake. I'm a part-time daredevil and I'm coming home alive.




  1. far-out, a blog--I will read it daily! It is already well-written. Right now, I am waiting for Yay-ya to come watch HOGFATHER with me. I miss you--but don't take that as anything but my desire for you to have the greatest time. Love, Mama

  2. I send you wonderful thoughts for safe travels in your wonderful adventure. I will keep you in my thoughts.

  3. He ma petite fille,
    Vas , vas sur ton chemin...
    Mes treaces guideront tes pas!
    Rien n'est dangereux pour qui essaye, il y a un ange gardien!
    j'ai decide de t'ecrire en francais, cela t'occuperas quand tu auras le cafard!
    Papa et moi sommes de tout coeur avec toi, il fait tres froid ici( gel de nuit) mais dans la beaute de l'apres-midi mon coeur se rechauffe quand je pense a toi.
    Profites de tout, les decouvertes, l'absence, la liberte , le vent sur ton visage...
    Merci pour le partage et bon voyage de la part de Marc Bell et sa compagne! LOL Nous irons peut-etre avec eux a Orr Spring pour Noel!

  4. You are a living breathing work of art and this canvas is perfect for your form. I am thrilled to read your real life adventure. Thank you for the intimate portrait of a true gypsy. Our hearts are with you, our love will be your shield.
